The Great Journey of the Heart: Module 8
Zoom Sessions: April 10 - 24, 2022

A further exploration of the topics presented during the March 24-27 retreat
- Those who participated, either in person or online, are automatically enrolled at no extra charge.
- 3 Zoom Q/A sessions with Nathaji: Sundays, April 10, 17, & 24, 11 am (PDT)
- Zoom links will be emailed to everyone who was part of the retreat.
Nathaji will continue the discussion of Äį¹avopÄya, the path of individual effort, and will focus on your own experience and practice, including how the use of the vÄkyas has unfolded. He will also lead guided meditations on the two vÄkyas that were discussed but did not have meditations during the retreat.
Nathaji hopes you will join the discussion live each week but will record the sessions for those unable to do so.