The Ācāryamaṇḍala of Heart of Consciousness
Swami Khecaranatha is the ācāryamaṇḍaleśvara - leader of the circle of ācāryas.
He teaches at Nityakash (Maui), in the S.F. East Bay Area, and periodically at the local centers.

Centers & Ācāryas
Hawaii Centers
Ācārya Sodasi Devi (Sonia Foscoli) - Maui, Hawaii
Teaching in-person.
I have been immersed in the teachings of this lineage for over thirty years and still watch in wonder as my inner growth blossoms under the guidance of my loving partner and Guru, Swami Khecaranatha. He initiated me as an ācārya in our lineage in 2004, and I serve the community by contributing to the management of our beautiful retreat and immersion center at Nityakash, Maui.
Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana continues to inform every aspect of my life. I bow to the Grace that initiated my spiritual journey and lay myself at its feet.
Ācārya Sadashiva (Stephen Hynson) - Maui, Hawaii
Teaching in-person. Email [email protected] or call 808.268.2946
I was introduced to Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana in 1973 and it has been a part of my life ever since. It is with the Grace of God, the support of my teacher, and my own intention that I now find myself with the opportunity to share my passion with others. My path to this moment was not a straight trajectory but there has been the constancy of a longing for the Divine paired with the cultivation of our practices of an inner awareness, that guides and informs my daily life. It is a daily life filled with my practice, my marriage, my children and grandchildren, my work as studio furniture artist, and my work in counseling as a depth psychologist.
Ācārya Shambhu (Niko) - Kauai, Hawaii
Teaching by Zoom and in person 3 times a week. All classes are free. Email [email protected]
Visit his website, the Light of the Heart.
I strive to express “depth over time" in all aspects of my life: as a student and teacher in this practice; in a professional realm, where I hold an MBA from UC Berkeley and work in finance; and in all my relationships, including being a father. I have been a student of Swami Khecaranatha since 2002, was initiated into the teacher-training program in 2014, and started teaching in 2017.
I am an ardent student of all traditions of Kashmir Shaivism and make this knowledge available during my classes and with my first book Sacred Repose which is an in-depth exploration of the teachings and practices of stillness of the five traditions in Kashmir Shaivism. Originally from Bulgaria, I am currently a resident of Kauai. I enjoy spending time with my daughter, gardening (growing veggies, trees, lotuses, and water lilies), playing tennis, practicing chi gong, snorkeling, hiking, traveling, and reading.
San Francisco Bay Area Centers
Ācārya Purnata (Michael Small) - Lead Teacher, SF Bay Area
Teaching on most Wednesdays at Rudrakash. Email [email protected]
In our tradition, we understand that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. This was my experience, when in 2010, I had a spiritual awakening that led me to seek out and find Swami Khecaranatha. The teachings of this lineage and the guidance of a Guru have allowed me to deepen my connection to my heart and to my own divinity. I furthered my commitment by taking vows as an Acharya in 2017, and also serve on the Board of Sacred Space Yoga Sanctuary.
In my classes, I intend to be a clear channel for the grace of this lineage to be shared with those who seek it. My classes include guided meditation, Shakti transmission, and discussion.
Ācārya Amrita Devi (Ellen Jefferds) - Main Center - Rudrakash, Richmond, CA
Teaching on some Wednesday nights at Rudrakash. Email [email protected]
I began my sādhana by learning TM on Valentine’s Day, 1970, and started teaching that practice in 1971. In 2007 my desire for further growth lead me to Swami Khecaranatha, and as soon as I attended my first classes with him, I knew I’d come home. Nathaji initiated me as a teacher in 2011 and as an ācarya in 2017.
My experience is that Heart of Consciousness provides a wonderful, direct means to deepening spiritual growth. This is what has motivated me to become an ācārya and share the grace of this lineage. In addition to teaching, I have edited some of Nathaji’s books, assist him in managing our programs, and handle the finances of our organizations in Berkeley and Hawaii.
Scottsdale Arizona Center
Ācārya Nityani Devi (Jenn Chiarelli) - Scottsdale, AZ
Teaching via Zoom. Email [email protected] Website: anahatasoul.com
I met Nathaji in 2002, near the end of my professional career as a ballerina, and have been committed to my spiritual sādhana with him and the Heart of Consciousness community ever since then. I have the deepest gratitude to my teacher for his constant guidance on my journey.
Through my company, Anahata Soul, I have been training yoga teachers for over 17 years. Currently, I teach yoga and meditation workshops, teacher trainings, classes, and retreats, nationally and internationally. I live in Phoenix with my beloved husband and two children, who have captured my whole heart. It is with this same heart that I encourage my students to explore their sādhana through their own unique expression of personal practice, asana, pranayama, self-reflection, and meditation.
Denton Texas Center
Ācārya Rudraya (Silver Ra Baker) - Denton, Texas
Teaching in person. Call 940-382-0732
My inner life was activated when I was initiated by Swami Rudrananda (Rudi) in 1971, and he made me a teacher in 1972. Since then, I have dedicated myself to teaching at Rudi’s original ashram in Texas. Over the years I have incorporated other spiritual practices into our offerings, since Rudi had often spoken to me about creating a “Spiritual University” with Rudra Meditation as the foundation.
I am also the principal architect of the Rudra Mandala and the builder of the Stupa of Intrinsic Transformation in Big Indian, New York. I devote myself to the preservation of that part of Rudi’s legacy, where people go on pilgrimage to his Samadhi Shrine. To remain teachable, I took initiation with Nathaji in 2020 and became an ācārya in his practice.
Ācārya Shankara (Ross DeOtte) - Denton, Texas
Teaching in person. Call 940-382-0732
Swami Khecaranatha initiated Shankara in 2020, in a ceremony in Ganeshpuri, India.
In 2016, I was graced with a living teacher, Silver Ra (now Ācārya Rudraya), a Spiritual Child of Swami Rudrananda. I continue to live and study with Rudraya at the Rudra Center for Enlightened Awareness in Denton, TX.
I am grateful for God’s open heart, which lives in me, the empowerment of internalizing all of Life’s energies, and this celebration of Life I am living. This practice, Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana, or “Rudi’s Work,” has been the foundation for discovering and experiencing myself in this way. Its continual benefits in my life are my inspiration to continue to practice and teach. My guiding principle is: “God is One, Without a second.”
Vairam (Aaron Bowley) - Denton, Texas
Teaching in person. Call 940-382-0732
I found my way to the Rudra Center in Denton, TX in 2013. I was seeking a new understanding of how to "Work" with my internal mechanism. That need led me to meet Rudraya. I continue to serve, study and reside at The Rudra Center under Rudraya's Guiding Light to this day.
My spiritual foundation is rooted in Rudi's open eye meditation. Additionally, I serve as a spirituality focused Kung Fu, Tai Chi. and Qi Gong instructor and a trainer in Communication (with self, life and others). My focus is to continue to feed my wish to grow while sharing the energetic, soul-focused principles taught to me by my Teachers.