I invite you to join me in this immersion into the Heart. 
Swami Khecaranatha (Nathaji)

Feb 24-March 9

Guest Speakers: Free Sessions with Hareesh (1 pm PST, Feb 25) and Ben Williams (1 pm PST, March 3)
Sign Up for Guest Speakers

What do you think might happen in a fully-immersive experience?

 Might you discover a profoundly deeper experience of essence and Self?
Might you open your heart, feel the plentitude of the joy of being, and experience unconditional love? 

You will experience how powerful it is to spend extended time with Nathaji and community at Nityakash, the five-acre retreat center on Maui. Participants enjoy the resonance of the meditation hall and the gardens, adorned with sacred statues.

Swami Khecaranatha (Nathaji)

With a mastery etched from over five decades of disciplined inner practice and selfless service, Khecaranatha is an authentic adept in the ƚakti Transmission Lineage of Bhagavan Nityananda and Swami Rudrananda. 

Nathaji teaches from his personal experience and revelations. His study of the richness and wisdom of ancient tantric scripture provides a means to articulate the teachings of his lineage within the larger context of these powerful nondual traditions — while emphasizing the essence of his teaching, which is to empower students to discover their own innate divinity.

To read Nathaji's bio, click here.

 Nathaji's will explore the wisdom and practices of one of the most significant teaching of ƚaiva Tantra.

 One thousand years ago a great tāntrika, Rājānaka KáčŁhemarāja, wrote his masterpiece: The Pratyabhijñā-háč›dayam. The title means, “The Essence of the Recognition," which is the knowledge of oneself as an expression of the universal Divine Consciousness. 

KáčŁhemarāja gives us the secret or “heart” of nondual tantric teachings: the process, by stages, through which Divine Consciousness becomes the world of manifold forms and then delights in its recognition of Itself, as  our own individuated consciousness. (Credit: Hareesh/C.Wallis)

This extraordinary text makes a key statement which is then articulated in terms of Kuáč‡ážalinÄ«: 
Awareness Itself is the Goddess (we worship),
the Supreme Power.


In addition to his discourse, Nathaji will be taking you progressively through a set of powerful meditations and practices. 

You will receive ƛakti, awareness and stillness practices, and some of the specific meditations given in The Heart of Recognition (Sutra 18)

You will come to experience how ƛakti becomes Consciousness, how individuality becomes universality, and how stillness and Presence are the all-pervasive screen on which it all takes place.

A Two-Week Immersion Program

Attend in person for 2 weeks, participate online, or enjoy one week in person and one online.

February 24-March 2 and/or March 2-9

Participation Options

 Option #1 — In-Person:


Discount rate for Conscious Studentship and Awakened Heart Program participants: $1,300/week
(Off-campus rate: $900/week)

Attendance in person for 1 or 2 weeks includes online access to the full program at no additional cost.

Spend time with Nathaji in an intimate setting, at Nityakash, our retreat center on the beautiful island of Maui!

In-Person Attendance is Full.

Please email [email protected] if you wish to be on the waiting list. 

Option #2 — Live Zoom & On-Demand:

Includes on-demand access to both weeks of the student immersion, plus workbooks & guided meditations.
Sign Up Now!

Program Schedule (repeats each week): 

Saturday evening:
5:00 pm orientation, 6:00 pm class.

Sunday-Tuesday & Thursday-Friday:
morning: program
afternoon: free time/seva
evening: open-eye class and meditation

(Wednesday is a day off)

Saturday, mid-immersion travel day: no program until evening

What students are saying about Swami Khecaranatha's programs. . .