Residence in the Heart

We are offering the opportunity to spend extended time in a meditation center doing deep inner work and service on the property. You'll be engaging in a powerfully-transformative nondual practice while enjoying the culture and beauty of Maui.
Please fill out the application form, below, so that Nathaji can respond to your request to join him at Nityakash. We are particularly looking for people who would like to stay at least 3-6 months, but the minimum period is 1 month.
Apply NowThroughout history, people seeking a deeper spiritual life have gone on journeys to holy sites to immerse themselves in a place of refuge. Setting aside the activities, distractions, and pressures of daily life and engaging in longer periods of daily sādhana has long been a key component of reaching into the depths of one’s awareness. Swami Khecaranatha has designed an opportunity for such a pilgrimage at our retreat center, Nityakash, on Maui, Hawaii. Spending extended time with him is a key aspect of these pilgrimages.
These in-depth journeys include a daily schedule of meditation and classes, work-trade/seva (help with cooking meals and tending the property) with a nominal fee for room and board, group activities, and free time to explore the beaches and beauty of Hawaii. Our wi-fi enables you to do remote work during your stay.
Nityakash is named after Bhagavan Nityananda, the satguru of Khecaranatha’s lineage, who said, “The heart is the most sacred of all places, go there and roam.”
Click here to learn more about the Nityakash property.
- Previous participation in Heart of Consciousness Śakti Transmission classes (online or in person)
- This is a work/trade program. Minimum 20 hours of work-trade/seva each week
- No recreational drug use of any kind
- Application and approval by Nathaji